The Emperor's New Clothes
Imagine a world where Bash supports JSON.
You are traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of imagination:
#!/bin/bash . `` people = { "Writers": [ "Rod Serling", "Charles Beaumont", "Richard Matheson" ], "Cast": { "Rod Serling": { "Episodes": 156 }, "Martin Landau": { "Episodes": 2 }, "William Shatner": { "Episodes": 2 } } } `` function printDirectors() { echo " The ``people.Directors.length()`` Directors are:" for director in ``people.Directors.items()``; do printf " - %s\n" ${!director} done } `` people.Directors = [ "John Brahm", "Douglas Heyes" ] `` printDirectors newDirector="Lamont Johnson" `` people.Directors.push($newDirector) `` printDirectors echo "Shifted: "``people.Directors.shift()`` printDirectors echo "Popped: "``people.Directors.pop()`` printDirectors
Utilizing a run-time JSON parsing engine written in Bash called TickTick... look, that's the signpost up ahead - your next stop, GitHub.